I open myself only to what is good and pure. Only then am I truly all I can be. Living my life this way aligns my energies with what is good and positive in this world.
Though we may not always get what we want, we do get what we need. In a spiritually meaningful universe we get feedback and direction so we can really orient ourselves to what we need to learn. Synchronicities make us aware that we live in a participatory universe. As I've embraced my clinical mind together with my mystical experiences I've come to recognize that what really counts is living every moment with compassion.
Nervous energy, anxiety, negative thoughts are all part of a fear driven pessimistic outlook. It is a way of interfering with guidance and mindfulness. No doubt, when I'm filled with love towards another, truly filled with that energy, I have no room for negative thoughts. Then why don’t we just always love, why do we get so nervous? Fear of things we are unable to control and a distorted view of the social self (I’m not good enough) trigger fear and anxiety symptoms. As we re-program our cognitions and brain we need to re-orient with kindness and curiosity, instead of self-depreciation. As we become mindful through meditation by focusing on breath, and at the same time reframe our negative cognitions into positive cognitions our self-view changes.
New visions of oneself can arise as we make conscious choices towards appreciation and compassion. Usually then we get in touch with a a source of power greater than our bodily self and it is then that we can choose to be truly open to all that is pure and good. Only then am I in harmony, with all I can be.