Thank you for Making the Shift

If you are ready to Live the Life You Really Want, Elke’s new book Making the Shift is a must read. You’ll find a powerful step-by-step guide to breaking out of old patterns and paradigms and claiming your intuition and sensitivity. You will learn how to tap into the underlying network that connects all things and to trust and listen to your own intuition. Explore this website. Read reviews and excerpts from Elke’s book at her website,, or watch for her blog postings here. Then make the connection that’s right for you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Day of the Book Launch

November 30th 2007

In perfect crisp and clear weather we drove up to our friends' place just when the sun was casting its last orange and golden glow for the day over the water. One day those friends offered to host a launch party for me at their home and very touched by their generous offer, I accepted.

I was very happy and excited all day, since my "baby" was being held for the first time many times over. More than ninety of my favourite people came to see the new arrival and celebrate with me. What an event it was! Everything flowed wonderfully, all guests were positively glowing and it was lovely seeing them there together in one place, enjoying themselves.

Sasha and her group of friends were doing a fantastic job taking coats and passing along appetizers. Even the host's grade five son was a remarkable help and his enthusiasm infectious. The evening could not have been more perfect!

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