Thank you for Making the Shift

If you are ready to Live the Life You Really Want, Elke’s new book Making the Shift is a must read. You’ll find a powerful step-by-step guide to breaking out of old patterns and paradigms and claiming your intuition and sensitivity. You will learn how to tap into the underlying network that connects all things and to trust and listen to your own intuition. Explore this website. Read reviews and excerpts from Elke’s book at her website,, or watch for her blog postings here. Then make the connection that’s right for you.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Conversation with Elke Babicki about audio book/CD’s

What made you decide to produce these CD’s/ Audio Books?

I have been a consultant to businesses and a psychotherapist for over 25 years. My clients often remarked how nice it would be to have something to turn to in the privacy of their own home. With the Cd or download, you can do just that, any time you want you can listen to what you need most. I am solution focused, and really enjoy getting people on back their feet in as short a time as possible. So I thought the best solution for helping others is to facilitate helping themselves. Nothing is more wonderful than people coming back and saying how well they are doing.

What are the Cd’s/ Audio books  about?

The first four address different kinds of Loss;Loss of a relationship, loss of a loved one, loss of a pet and loss of a job. The CD explains what you may be experiencing when your world feels like it has been shattered. We lead you through some easy relaxation and get you to breathe properly. We then move into what your consciousness needs to heal.

Why does the CD/ Audio Book help a person experiencing those kinds of losses?

During my Masters I studied cognitive therapy and guided imagery and post graduate I completed training in EMDR. EMDR is a much researched trauma reduction method that has produced some remarkable results. From those trainings I’ve come away with a method that has effects the way the brain functions. An optimal brain state engages healthy frontal lobes with alpha brain waves that help healing. Visualizing color is one way to relax your mind and tap into healing brain waves.  The music we carefully selected, the sound frequencies we chose and the alternating of affirmations to left and right hemispheres all help you create more relaxing brain waves and a more optimal brain state. Trauma ,like loss, creates stuck patterns, like flash cards with upsetting images being held up repeatedly. The CD’s are a way for people to free themselves of these destructive memories and create more healthy brain activity.

Does listening to the Cd’s / AudioBooks replace therapy?

 It does not replace therapy, however it does empower a person with what they need to create to rewire their brain in a productive way. It creates brain waves that are conducive to peak performance. Olympic athletes for example know all about this and train their minds in this way as well as their bodies.

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