Thank you for Making the Shift

If you are ready to Live the Life You Really Want, Elke’s new book Making the Shift is a must read. You’ll find a powerful step-by-step guide to breaking out of old patterns and paradigms and claiming your intuition and sensitivity. You will learn how to tap into the underlying network that connects all things and to trust and listen to your own intuition. Explore this website. Read reviews and excerpts from Elke’s book at her website,, or watch for her blog postings here. Then make the connection that’s right for you.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Helpful Suggestions For Dealing With Loss

My favourite thing to do each day before going to bed is to remember three good things that happened that day. Even when you feel sad, good things do happen.

During intense emotions of insecurity you may want to hold off on any major decisions and pay extra attention to nurturing yourself.-    Listen to uplifting music. Classical music such as Mozart, Beethoven and Pachelbel Canon in general contain healing properties. Listen to your favourite personal theme songs that fill you with hope, serenity and inspiration.
  • Pick out a pure essential oil that is most appealing to you, and enjoy the positive feeling it gives off in your home.
  • Pleasant objects of art or flowers placed strategically where you will notice them can lift your spirits.
  • Be good to yourself, treat yourself to a massage, take as many walks in the fresh air as you can, get proper amounts of sleep, and eat properly.
  • Do things that give you nice feelings, perhaps just renting a favourite movie, dancing or attending cultural events.
  • Love and appreciate yourself, focus on appreciative thoughts. Focus, also, on the gentle touch and kind deeds towards yourself and others. The more you tune into love everyday, the easier every day gets. 
  • Listen to meditation tapes. The tapes enable your subconscious to be open to receiving loving spirit energy. You can then rid yourself of fear and stress. 
  • It is very healing to express your feelings with others, so communicate with those you love.

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